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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Power of Thought

When someone says about power, you will know clearly what power is, but when they say power of thought maybe we think about thought in different way according to our experiences and our knowledge. So, again, try to answer all these questions all together: what is power of thought? Where does it come from? How can we create it? For myself, I think:
Power of thought is power of thinking; it means that when people have something in their mind they always reveal that thing to the outer or make it become real according to their wish. Come from thought, man can make a lot of things incredibly for example in the former time, man didn’t have airplane, high concrete building, computer…etc. but now we have them, so where all these come from? It comes from man’s thought because man’s thought is the source of them. Therefore, without thought man makes nothing. Come to this point, it reminds me a word said “No thought no birth”
Power of thought comes from the inner-wish of man, for example a man wants to drink a Cocacola (“want” just come from the inner) and it will be real when the man drink Cocacola. So, here, the activities come from “want” and the “want” is come from thought of man, why? Because the man think that he will get refresh when he drinksCocacola?
How do we create it? Before we do and want to see something that we have done is come well, we always sit and think first. So, thought exist thoroughly as we want to see the production come out perfectly. The key word here is “want to see the output come out perfectly”. Careless of thinking on the thing we do, the thing we have done is not perfect. Thought also exist when we want to avoid the accident happen during we operate the task. For example when we walk under the old building, we have to think that it might be fall down and get us accident all the time. If we don’t think this point, we might get accident because of the falling of that old building. All in all, the power of the thought can lead us to get success in all work we do, and it can prevent us from any failure and accident happened accidentally.